RANGPUR CORRESPONDENT : The 66th Infantry Division of Bangladesh Army on Thursday organized a day-long free eye care service at Sheetal Diagnostic Center in Rangpur city.
GOC of 66 Infantry division and Rangpur Area Commander Major General Mohammad Kamrul Hasan attended the inauguration programme as chief guest. Senior officials of Rangpur Cantonment were also present at the health camp.
Three ophthalmologists of Rangpur Combined Medical Hospital (CMH) and two ophthalmologists of Rangpur Medical College Hospital provided the healthcare service to around 300 patients.
They also distributed free medicines among the service seekers. Of the patients a few have been suggested to go for surgery which will be done at CMH later free of cost.
জুমবাংলা নিউজ সবার আগে পেতে Follow করুন জুমবাংলা গুগল নিউজ, জুমবাংলা টুইটার , জুমবাংলা ফেসবুক, জুমবাংলা টেলিগ্রাম এবং সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন জুমবাংলা ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে।