Various major technology companies are now working on quantum computing. Amazon has joined the race. Amazon has announced the creation of a new chip for quantum computers. The new chip has been named Ocelot. The prototype of the new quantum computing chip Ocelot has been released. Amazon has entered the field of quantum computing with Google and Microsoft through the new chip.
“Ocelot is a different kind of chip,” said Oscar Painter, director of quantum hardware at Amazon Web Services. “It can quickly overcome the fundamental challenges we face with quantum computers, the sensitive errors.”
A paper on the new chip has been published in Nature. Amazon says the quantum chip Ocelot is a major advance in error correction and scalability, two key issues that have long held back progress in quantum computing. The Ocelot prototype has the potential to improve quantum error correction efficiency by up to 90 percent compared to conventional methods.
Quantum computing is a growing field. It combines computer science, mathematics, and quantum mechanics. Instead of the binary bits used in traditional computing, a unit of information called a qubit is used. A qubit holds more information than a binary bit and can exist in multiple states at the same time.
Amazon said the Ocelot chip uses a type of qubit technology called cat qubits, named after the famous physicist Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment. The technology can internally correct several errors, allowing it to simply correct the quantum errors needed to build a full quantum computer.
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