The body gives some warning signals before a heart attack, which if recognized early can save lives. Many times we ignore these, but if we are aware, major dangers can be avoided.
Check out the 8 signals your body gives before a heart attack:
1. Chest pain or discomfort: This is the most common symptom of heart disease. The pain can be intermittent or constant. It can feel like pressure, burning, or squeezing.
2. Fatigue and weakness: Sudden fatigue even with minor tasks. Not feeling normal even after resting. This symptom is more common in women.
3. Shortness of breath: Difficulty breathing without exercise. Inability to breathe with full chest. This may seem like a lung problem, but it could be a sign of a heart problem.
4. Pain in the shoulder, arm, neck or jaw: Pain may radiate to the left arm, especially. Feeling of pressure in the jaw or neck. The pain may gradually increase.
5. Dizziness or nausea: Lightheadedness with slight exertion. Feeling of dizziness. If you have nausea along with chest pain, you should see a doctor immediately.
6. Cold sweat: Sweating for no reason or at normal temperature. Feeling cold. This can be a common symptom in women.
7. Abnormal heartbeat: Heartbeat that is too fast or too slow. Chest palpitations or a feeling of shortness of breath.
8. Stomach problems or digestive problems: Stomach pain, gas or heartburn. Sudden feeling of heaviness in the stomach or difficulty digesting food. Many people mistake this for acidity problems.
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