Children often develop a rash or itchy rash on their skin along with fever. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the type of rash can be used to determine the disease. Let’s learn about some common diseases that cause fever and rash.
When children have measles, small red bumps appear on the body. The rash first starts behind the ears or on the face. Then it spreads all over the body. Measles is a viral disease and is contagious. Like all other viral fevers, it usually resolves within two weeks.
The rash that appears in chickenpox or chickenpox is not a red rash like measles; rather, it is like a small rash. This rash first appears on the face, chest, and back. However, it can occur all over the body. Since it is caused by a viral infection, there is no specific treatment for it. Paracetamol for fever and antihistamines for itching can be given. Usually, the child recovers within two weeks.
Rubella is very similar to measles. That’s why it’s also called German measles. It causes small, reddish or pink spots like measles; accompanied by fever, colds, and cough. Like other viral infections, it also heals on its own. Hand, foot and mouth disease
Recently, there has been a significant increase in the number of school-going children in the country. It causes fever and a rash around the mouth, palms and soles. This also resolves within two weeks.
Dengue fever occurs almost all year round in the country. However, the peak season is from July to September-October. Dengue fever usually causes small red spots to appear on the body two or three days after the fever. It is more common on the chest and back. The dengue rash does not last long.
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