Death is an eternal fact of human life. Scientists have been conducting various types of research for a long time to find out what changes occur in the human body just before death. Recently, a group of neuroscientists from the University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, have been able to record the activity of the human brain at the time of death for the first time.
As a result, some information has been revealed about what happens in the brain just before death. According to scientists, various scenes of the entire life can be seen in the brain just before death, like a movie trailer.
According to scientists, an 87-year-old epilepsy patient died of a heart attack while undergoing treatment. Doctors attached an electroencephalography (EEG) device to his head to monitor brain activity just before his death, that is, before the heart stopped beating and for the next 30 seconds.
During this time, a total of 900 seconds of brain wave duration were recorded. The brain wave records showed that areas of the brain involved in memory and memory retrieval were active shortly after death.
“Our brains can remember important life events for the last time just before death, which has been reported in the experiences of many people who have come close to death,” said neuroscientist Ajmal Zemmer of the University of Louisville, Kentucky, in the US. The new findings challenge our idea of exactly when life ends. The results of this study are published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.
Scientists believe the brain is biologically programmed for death. It doesn’t shut down suddenly, but rather slowly undergoes a series of physiological and neurological changes. Perhaps the brain plays a narrative replay of life in the final seconds before death. Scientists aren’t yet sure how or why such a review occurs in the brain, though.
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