Google launched the ‘Android Earthquake Alert System’ in 2020 to alert local Android users during earthquakes. Although it was first launched in California, the facility is currently operational in various countries including Bangladesh. The Android Earthquake Alert System basically sends earthquake warnings by analyzing surface vibrations.
In addition to informing about the source and magnitude of the earthquake, it also advises people to stay safe. However, even though there was no earthquake in Brazil last Friday night, the Android Earthquake Alert System sent a warning of a magnitude 5.5 earthquake to residents of the cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. As a result, questions have been raised about the effectiveness of Google’s facility.
Google has temporarily suspended the Android Earthquake Alert system in Brazil after sending out false earthquake warnings. It is reported that the Android Earthquake Alert system sent earthquake warnings to many Android users’ smartphones at 2 am local time on Friday. The message said that a 5.5 magnitude earthquake had struck the Ubatuba and Baixas Santista regions of the country. However, Brazil’s earthquake monitoring agencies have not confirmed any such earthquake information.
Google spokesman Ed Fernandez said, “On February 14, our systems detected signals from some devices in the coastal area of São Paulo and automatically sent an alert. Immediately after learning about the issue, we temporarily suspended operations at the facility in Brazil and began an investigation into the cause. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused users. We are taking appropriate measures to prevent such errors in the future.”
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