Google Chrome has introduced two new features for Android users. The new features will make tab management in the browser easier. The new update adds tab search and tab group syncing features. In the new update of Google Chrome, a search bar called ‘Search Your Tabs’ has been added to the tab switcher section. It will be above the list of active websites and will be visible at the top of the screen. As a result, users will be able to easily find the required tab.
Clicking on the search option will first show the list of recent tabs. Then, typing a specific word will show the corresponding results from tabs, bookmarks, browsing history and web searches. The user can go directly to the desired tab. This new feature will also work in private mode. This feature was already enabled in the desktop version. However, this time it has been enabled in the latest version of Chrome for Android.
To make tab management easier, Google has introduced another feature called Tab Group Sync. This will allow users to use the same tab group on multiple devices. A new icon has been added above the tab grid, where a list of tab groups open on the user’s other devices will be displayed. This means that if someone creates a tab group on the desktop, it will also be available on other devices signed in to Chrome. There is an option in the Settings menu to control this feature. It will be on by default. However, the user can turn it off if they want.
Google has added some more new features. If the tab is not used for 21 days, it will be moved to a new section called ‘Inactive Tabs’. Users can turn this feature off completely or set it to remove inactive tabs after 7 or 14 days. If the same website is opened multiple times, only the last used tab will be saved, the rest will be automatically archived. In addition, tabs that have been inactive for 60 days will be automatically closed. However, if the user wants, they can restore that tab from the browsing history.
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