The amount of air pollution in the world is increasing day by day. And so, scientists have been working for a long time to discover alternative fuel sources to reduce the amount of global carbon pollution. Now, a group of scientists from the University of Cambridge in the UK has developed a special device to create fuel capable of running cars from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. They claim that the solar-powered device can convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into synthesis gas or syngas, which can be used to run cars and airplanes.
Regarding the new device, Cambridge University scientist Sian Kar said, “Carbon dioxide is a harmful greenhouse gas. This gas, which is responsible for global climate change, can be converted into useful chemicals.” The invented device collects carbon dioxide from the air at night through a special filter. Then, during the day, it uses sunlight to produce syngas through a chemical reaction. This gas can act as an alternative to gasoline. Syngas can also be used to make chemical and pharmaceutical products.
“Fossil fuels are mined and burned to make the products we rely on. Instead, we can get all the carbon dioxide we need directly from the air and reuse it,” said scientist Professor Erwin Reissner. “We can build a circular economy.”
According to a research report published in the journal Nature Energy, the device can basically pull carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into synthesis gas or syngas. The device runs on solar power and does not require any type of battery to use. The device can be an alternative to various carbon capture technologies currently used. And so scientists are trying to commercialize this technology with the help of Cambridge Enterprise.
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