Scientists have discovered 36 new dwarf galaxies orbiting Andromeda, our Milky Way’s closest galactic neighbor, using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Several of the dwarf galaxies are aligned in the same direction, which is quite unusual. The alignment of galaxies is usually caused by chaotic motion, and so it is quite unusual for galaxies to be aligned in the same direction. And so scientist Daniel Weiss described the discovery as an unexpected and surprising event.
Scientists believe that the newly discovered galaxies are undergoing some kind of evolution. According to them, large cosmic collisions can affect the formation of galaxies. This means that the Andromeda dwarf galaxies have experienced a different type of evolution than the Milky Way galaxy. It is estimated that the galaxies formed between 2 and 5 billion years ago. This discovery opens up new possibilities for understanding the evolution of galaxies and the impact of past cosmic events.
Scientists believe that dwarf galaxies are about 2.5 million light-years away. However, they are forming stars much later than expected. This ongoing star formation contradicts established predictions, said Alessandro Savino, an astronomer at UC Berkeley in the US. The new discovery challenges the assumption that similar galaxies form in our Milky Way.
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