The Blue Ghost spacecraft, sent by the US private company Firefly Aerospace, has successfully landed on the moon. The spacecraft landed on Mons Latreille, a crater on the north-eastern side of the moon, in the Mare Crisium volcano. This marks the second time a spacecraft sent by a civilian company has landed on the moon.
According to Jason Kim, CEO of Firefly Aerospace, the spacecraft that landed on the moon landed stable and straight. The first civilian vehicle landed on the moon last February. The new vehicle landed slightly next to it. The US space research agency NASA also confirmed the matter and said that the Blue Ghost landed safely on the moon.
The mission is called Ghost Riders in the Sky. Regarding the spacecraft that landed on the moon, Nicky Fox, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, said, “We are delighted, we have landed on the moon.” According to NASA, the spacecraft has delivered 10 NASA scientific and technological instruments to the moon. This mission will help future astronauts.
NASA is working with civilian agencies to reduce the cost of lunar missions. The mission’s Golden Lander, the size of a hippopotamus, was launched on January 15 aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Blue Ghost is equipped with a radiation-tolerant computer and an instrument for analyzing lunar soil.
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