Recently, strange behaviors of several marine animals have been detected in different parts of the world. Unusual events such as the floating of oarfish in Japan, stranding of whales in various areas, and the presence of anglerfish near the seashore have been observed.
And so, scientists have started researching whether these events indicate any possible environmental changes. Although it is believed that global warming has an impact on these behaviors of marine animals, scientists are studying whether these natural phenomena are connected to marine ecosystems and potential disasters.
Animals like oarfish, whales, and anglerfish live in the deep sea. When these animals come close to the shore, it is believed that climate change and warming are affecting them. Scientists are getting indications of massive environmental changes in the habitat of these animals.
The incident of the mysterious oarfish suddenly coming close to the shore has created the most surprise. This fish has been named the doomsday fish in mythology. This deep-sea fish is rarely seen near the beach. Many consider the coming of these fish to the beach as a prediction of natural disasters. Although there is a lack of scientific explanation for such behavior.
In addition, the presence of whales in different areas and the presence of anglerfish in shallow waters raises many questions. Are these behaviors coincidental or indicative of some environmental change? Although whale strandings are a long-standing issue, there have been several such incidents in recent times. Recently, more than 150 false killer whales were stranded on the Tasmanian coast, most of which later died.
Scientists believe that the presence of large commercial ships in the deep sea is creating obstacles to the whales’ habitat and movement. In addition, there has been a sudden increase in the presence of anglerfish in various coastal areas in recent times. This deep-sea creature that produces light has recently been seen coming towards the seashore more often. These fish are moving towards the shore due to changes in the deep sea environment and temperature.
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