Scientists from different countries have been trying to understand what the environment of Mars was like for a long time. Recently, scientists have discovered a seashore that disappeared 3 billion years ago in the northern hemisphere of Mars.
The information about this seashore was revealed by analyzing data collected by China’s Zhurong Rover. A group of scientists from China and the United States have published this information in a research paper published in PNAS.
According to scientists, analysis of meteorites from Mars has shown that water was present there about 4.5 billion years ago. Not only that, but about half of Mars was covered by an ocean 3.6 billion years ago. Through this new study, a 3 billion year old sea beach has been found on the planet.
The study, led by scientist Jianhui Li of Guangzhou University in China, analyzed data collected by the China National Space Agency’s Zhurong rover and found several rocks on the coastline that are billions of years old. These rocks have been affected by seawater.
Scientists believe that Mars had a suitable environment for life due to its ocean. The Zhurong rover was sent to Mars in 2020. From 2021 to 2022, the rover collected data in an area called Utopia Planitia.
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