Teleportation is a technology that has the ability to instantly move a person or an object from one place to another. Although this technology has not been invented yet, it is seen in movies that people are moving from one place to another using a special device.
Many science fiction books have also featured such incidents. And that is why scientists have been working on the development of teleportation technology for a long time. Now, scientists from the University of Oxford in the UK have achieved great success in teleportation technology. However, they have teleported people, not information. Scientists claim that major progress has been made in teleportation technology by beaming data into quantum computers.
According to scientists, logic gates are the basic building blocks of computer algorithms. This teleportation experiment between two quantum processors 6 feet apart has been successful. As part of the experiment, it has been possible to create a quantum link between two separate devices using particles of light known as photons.
Through this teleportation, the two processors are able to work remotely by sharing the same algorithm to complete their computing tasks. This advancement can solve the scalability or measurement problem. The scalability problem is quite discussed in the quantum computer world. When the amount of information or work increases in a quantum computer, a qualitative change is seen.
Quantum computing is important for specific tasks such as cryptography, optimization and searching large data sets. With this new research, scientists have created the opportunity to transfer information between small devices. With this discovery, any quantum device will be able to process millions of qubits of information.
In 2023, scientists were able to teleport an image using light. However, Oxford scientists claim that this is the first time that teleportation has been done over a long distance. In this regard, scientist Dougal Main said, ‘In our research, we used quantum teleportation to create interactions between remote systems. This new breakthrough could lay the foundation for the quantum internet.’
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