There is a mysterious world deep in the sea. And that is why people have been trying to unravel various mysteries in the depths of the sea for a long time. But is it possible to know all the mysteries within a certain time by diving into the sea? Not at all. To solve this problem, a UK-based organization called ‘Deep’ has planned to build a permanent base deep in the sea.
According to the DEEP, under this new plan, a permanent base for human habitation will be established 200 meters below sea level. The base will be designed to be suitable for long-term habitation, similar to the International Space Station (ISS) in space. Initially, six people will be able to live in the base and conduct various types of research. If everything goes well, people will start living in this base by 2027.
Regarding the creation of a deep-sea base, Deep’s president Steve Etherton said, “This is not a product, we are actually going to create a system. We are working on various things, including creating habitats for living underwater and next-generation clothing. This initiative will play an important role in understanding what is in the deep sea. We will work in a way similar to the space research agency NASA.”
The design of the deep-sea base, dubbed ‘Sentinel’, has been developed over two years using Europe’s largest 3D printing machine. The base will be located on the continental shelf and in the epipelagic zone where sunlight reaches the ocean.
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