There was a time when dates were available in the market only during the fasting period. However, times have changed, and now everyone is aware of the quality of dates. Due to this, this fruit from the desert country is available in the country’s markets throughout the year.
Dates contain amino acids, a lot of energy, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It contains a lot of iron. Dates help to fill the deficiency of glucose required by the body. Due to the qualities of dates, nutritionists have named them ‘the best diet food in the world’. Now let’s know all the nutritional properties of dates.
1. Instant Energy
Dates are said to be a storehouse of instant energy. This is not just a common saying, but the result of scientific research. A report in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition says that if someone feels weak or tired, then after eating a few dates, they feel strong and energetic again.
Nowadays, a lot of energy is spent at home, in the office, and on the road. As the days go by, fatigue and weakness begin to surround the body. Dates can be an excellent preventative in this regard. Dates contain natural sugars like glucose, fructose and sucrose which are the source of this ‘energy’. Try including two dates in your daily diet from today. You will see that you will feel the same vitality when you go out in the morning, when you return home in the evening.
2. Reduces cholesterol, prevents fat from accumulating in the arteries.
Although dates are sweet fruits, they do not contain any fat or cholesterol. Rather, they reduce the cholesterol in the body.
The antioxidant ‘catechins’ in dates reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol in the blood and increase ‘good’ cholesterol. Moreover, dates prevent the oxidation process of cholesterol, which prevents atherosclerosis deposits in the blood vessels. In simple terms, it prevents the accumulation of fat in the arteries. However, this benefit of dates is more noticeable in the ‘Halawi’ species of dates than in the ‘Mezul’ species.
3. Heart disease, cancer and diabetes
are the three most deadly diseases of this century. It is noteworthy that dates fight all three diseases very successfully. For example, dates contain antioxidant flavonoids. Which are very useful in curing inflammation. A study by Suez Canal University in Egypt has shown that flavonoids in dates are useful in cancer and diabetes.
Dates contain a substance called ‘isoflavones’ (the second highest among fruits) which reduces the risk of heart disease. Dates also contain another substance called carotenoids. This is also effective in heart disease.
And the antioxidant phenolic acid in dates prevents cancer. Studies have shown that abdominal cancer has been treated with dates without any side effects.
4. Lowers blood pressure
Many of the foods we eat contain high levels of salt. And this is a major cause of high blood pressure. But dates do not contain any sodium (salt). Rather, they contain a good amount of potassium (about 167 mg in a date, more than any other fruit) which helps in flushing out sodium. That is why it is said that dates are a natural antidote that helps in lowering blood pressure. Moreover, a lack of potassium is also a cause of kidney stones.
5. Strengthens bones
There is no denying that as we age, our bones become weaker. Along with pain and related problems. Dates contain minerals like selenium, manganese, copper and magnesium which are beneficial for bones. As a result, they are very good for preventing any bone disease including osteoporosis.
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